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Gwansoo Shin

Carpenteer and Art technician

Gwansoo Shin

➤ Occupation/職業: Carpenteer, Art technician 木匠, 藝術技術員.

➤ Location/地區: South Korea 南韓

➤ Experience/年資: 8 years 年

➤ Interests/興趣: Buying weird pieces 購買奇怪的物品

➤ Instagram: @sp8hngs

Equipment/使用產品: All Seasons Pro Pants, 3M Reflective Hoodie

Gwansoo Shin, as known as Shampoo, is a South Korean art technician, carpenter, art handler and gallerist. He has a passion for artistic creation and a pursuit of tactile experiences.

Gwansoo Shin又名Shampoo,是一位韓國藝術技術員、木匠、藝術刻理員和畫廊主理人。他對藝術創作充滿熱情,追求觸感體驗

He has been involved in the renovation of Barakat contemporary in Seoul and assisted Korean visual artist Jewyo Rihii in making exhibitions, to name a few. Shin graduated from Gachon University with a major in visual arts in 2018 and then He founded the independent gallery Shower in Seoul in 2023, dedicated to discover talented young artists and promoting their works to public.

他參與了首爾Barakat當代藝術空間的翻新工作,並協助韓國視覺藝術家Jewyo Rihii舉辦展覽,這只是其中一部分。Gwansoo於2018年畢業於蓋淳大學視覺藝術專業,然後於2023年在首爾創辦了獨立畫廊Shower,致力於發掘年輕有才華的藝術家,並將他們的作品推廣給大眾。

He puts a lot of effort into ensuring that visitors have an outstanding art experience. His work goes beyond simply moving or arranging artworks. He is involved in sculpture assembly lighting setup and even building audiovisual systems, among other tasks, to create an exhibition that resonates with people.


➤ What Gwansoo wears