
2024 Uniform Partnerships

➤ Custom Uniform for Outdoor Heavy-Duty Workers

Project: Uniform Designed for Bricklayers, 2021 (United Kingdom).

TMS.SITE uniform customization: a man is wearing an example of a customized set of TMS.SITE workwear, including jacket and pants.

➤ Custom Uniform for Hospitality & Indoor Workers

Project: Sustainable Uniform for CHAT- Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile - 2024 (Hong Kong).

➤ Services Comparison

Below, you will find a comparison table of the two available uniform customization services. This table will allow you to easily compare the features and options offered by each service.


我們提供專為炎熱和潮濕氣候設計的現成製服。 5 件以上訂單可享批發折扣和客製化徽標放置。


TMS.SITE uniform customization: TMS.SITE conducts business with an eco-friendly mindset that puts sustainability at the forefront



TMS.SITE uniform customization: to support sustainability efforts, 3D prototyping techniques are used to reduce waste and production time

3D 原型製作


TMS.SITE uniform customization: To increase the longevity of TMS.SITE''s products, repairs are offered to B2B clients



TMS.SITE uniform customization: with sustainability efforts in mind, TMS.SITE aims to source a majority of fabrics used from recycled fabrics



自 2018 年以來,我們一直在進行實地研究,尋找適合高溫工作環境的最佳面料和廓形。

在我們的家鄉香港,超過 50% 的戶外工作者報告稱與熱有關的疾病病例。傳統工作服採用厚重帆布材質和寬鬆廓形,在炎熱氣候下效果不佳。


TMS.SITE uniform customization: TMS.SITE pants are much lighter than comparative competitors', ensuring durability and comfort in one


TMS.SITE 的 ULTRALIGHT 3.0 褲子重量 比市面上第二輕的工作褲輕 40%。

TMS.SITE uniform customization: four steel workers toiling in the Hong Kong heat, wearing TMS.SITE workwear which is made to withstand the heat
➤ 在香港進行3個月的測試


TMS.SITE 制服專為應對溫度經常超過 30°C 的惡劣環境而設計。

TMS.SITE uniform customization: TMS.SITE workwear is designed to reduce the chance of injuries, with removable knee pads and adjustable waistbands


我們的製服旨在降低受傷風險並最大限度地減少傷害 發生事故時。


TMS.SITE uniform customization: TMS.SITE provides customizable fits with its workwear, allowing for increased mobility and less use of energy


透過優化功能並提供可自訂的貼合度,TMS.SITE 使佩戴者能夠以更高的靈活性和更高的信心履行職責,同時消耗更少的能量。

TMS.SITE home: Three bricklayers wearing customized TMS.SITE workwear on a construction site
TMS.SITE home: Three bricklayers wearing customized TMS.SITE workwear on a construction site
