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Upgrade Your Ultralight: Trade in 3.0 for the New 4.0!

What you need to prepare: A pair of worn-out Ultralight 3.0 + HKD$1000 to receive a New 4.0

Date: 24th Feb (6pm-9pm) 

Location: Shop G04, G/F, Site D, Park Lane Shopper's Boulevard, NOS. 111-181 Nathan Road.

➤ Trade-in offers are limited to the first 5 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

TMS. SITE reserves the right to make the final decision on the event.


您需要什麼:一條穿舊的 Ultralight 3.0 + HKD$1000將可獲得一條全新的 4.0

日期:2月24日(下午6時至9時)地點:彌敦道111-181號,柏寧購物大道D, 地下 G04號鋪

➤ 以舊換新優惠僅限於前5名參與者,先到先得。
